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EMBARK RESULTS: (PDF Of Aleksei's EMBARK Results available on request) Aleksei is clear for everything 243 genes he tested as CLEAR so he isn't even a carry of 243 genetic issues tested for!! The only thing he has is one copy of the ALT Activity Variant this is all that came back this gene is a Codominant Strait from the Genetic WEBSITE: ( Dogs with one or two copies of the variant can lead completely normal lives, and do NOT need to be removed from a breeding program. In fact, at this time, there aren't even any specific recommendations to only breed at-risk dogs to clear dogs this gene simply means ALT runs low and it can be harder to diagnose liver issues for elevations won't show as well with this GENE. (An Embark test screens for a variant (mutation) in the GPT gene which has a codominant mode of inheritance. The variant does not cause liver disease,nor is it a liver disease super common he only has one copy of the gene some have more. But dogs with at least one copy of the ‘A’ allele are likely to have lower ALT activity (‘low normal’) than dogs with zero copies of the ‘A’ allele (‘normal’). So slight elevations in ALT, which could indicate liver injury, can go undiagnosed with standard blood testing due to this gene causing LOW ALT BlOOD levels this is all this gene does once again it is not a liver disease nor does it cause liver disease it is just a blood marker tested for liver issues and with this gene it can alter lab results when testing for liver disease due to it showing low levels. Dakine's Afanasy is a Genetic CLEAR for everything else with his EMBARK PANEL. This is Excellent!!!!
His COI is 29% which is a bit high due to him being line bred twice to Trillium Blue Wind Of My Wish and other like dogs in the sire and dams pedigree, his dams breeder doing this selective line breeding, Know this doubling up on clears not carrying any defective genes makes for clear pups but this does make your COI high when you double up on the good and bad when line breeding you double up both so you must know the genes behind your dogs and t his should only be done by an experienced breeder of genetics so clear genetic pups for known defective genes and you end up with, and like pups that look like Trillium Blue Wind Of My Wish who is on his dam's side pictured below. This is also why Aleksei's temperament has been passed on to his pups with now two litters of 6 on the ground all unbelievable temperaments all placed in pet homes with happy owners with dogs they even have many off leash on hikes and everyday life amazing for the breed. , but I do note his COI for those concerned. It is considered a bit high. I can say I have had not one health issue working with his line and have had longevity as well. Most females he is bred to should balance out his COI.
Dakine's Afanasy Aleksei is offered for Stud service with approval. His Sire and dams pedigrees are in his picture collage below~
Oregon Siberian Husky stud service is offered. Pups produced from any breeding unless approved by me will all be on a spay-neuter contract with no exceptions unless pups are to be shown inquires welcome. AKC Registration will only be offered to bitches who are approved for AKC Registered litter and pups from said must be Spayed or Neutered unless on a show contract no EXCEPTIONS. If you are looking to make a good pet litter AKC LIMITED SPAY NUETER or with no AKC papers this may just be your dog at an extremely reasonable stud fee if your girl is approved. I will be extremely selective of those wanting AKC-registered pups from him and Full AKC offspring. I will not have his lines exploited in other breeding programs sorry he is offered to make wonderful Siberians for those wanting extremely well-tempered healthy Siberian pups for pet or top show prospects that will be shown to their finish not just for breeding.
Contact me for details.
Offering this Siberian Husky for stud service in Oregon, but we can meet you in North Cal if needed for we travel often
you do not get better breeding than this gentleman and a better temperament!! He is putting this on his pups, not your average husky for sure.
TOP CH LINES: TRILLIUM BLUE Double bred Wind of my Wish, Kristari, Huskavarna, PVT STK, Karnovanda, Chrisdons the best of the best! Link to Wind of My Wish pedigree with pics below~
The stud fee is negotiable I want people to have access to this amazing dog for families who want an amazing Siberian you can live with with the looks of a top show dog! I am no longer raising Siberian Huskies, but this boy is my breeding and would finish in the show ring in a weekend been told by top Siberian Handlers, I may show him if I have time but all my time is in my husbands business and me doing dog education talks and my Shibas so we will see I hope to get him out in the ring soon. This dog is my best friend and unbelievable temperament for the breed you won't be disappointed I highly doubt you will find a dog to match him in personality and put it on the ground!
All females accepted for breeding must have a Negative Brucellosis blood test through a Veterinarian 10 days prior to breeding. Aleksei is tested often with me being a Vet Tech I test all my dogs frequently, this is a requirement I will not budge on to protect him and me thank you~
Please request our stud contract if you're interested in using Aleksei for your next Siberian Husky Litter.



Young Champion of Russia | Young Champion Of National Club of Sled Dogs | Young Winner Of National Club of Sled Dogs | Champion Of Russia | Champion Of Russian Kennel Club | Champion of National Club of Sled Dogs | Grand Champion of Russia | Can. to International Champion of beauty | Best in show all breed | Best in show specialty | Multiple CACIB/BOB/BIG/BIS/BISs | BEST OF BREED RUSSIA '13 | BEST STUD DOG EURASIA '14 | ВЕST MALE CACIB RUSSIA 2014

Below are a few pups Aleksei has produced. He has a high sperm count and I do artificial insemination side by side for best placement~ VET TECH


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